Reflecting on Project One: Why Does It Matter?

For my Writing and Editing in Print and Online class, we were instructed to complete our first project. Upon completing this project, I've learned a little bit more about the world of publication and a lot more about how content is produced and shared. For our first project, the class was told to choose a keyword from a list that was provided by our instructor. I decided to choose the term "circulation," and revolve my project around defining that keyword.

At first, I was a little overwhelmed by my choice. Circulation can mean so many different things in so many different contexts, so I wasn't exactly sure how or where I should start. So, I put my thinking cap on and got to brainstorming: how could I ensure that this project could somehow help me in my later life? By asking myself that question, I was then able to determine where I wanted my project to go. I decided to explore the term "circulation" in terms of social media and the Internet. From there, I chose three artifacts that would help define my keyword in a way that wasn't just text. The artifacts that I chose all related to the same thing: the song 'Hotline Bling' by R&B superstar, Drake. I'm sure that you've heard the song before, but in case you haven't, here's a little information. Drake released the hit in 2016, and the song stayed on the Billboard Hot 100 charts in the number one spot for a whopping 18 weeks. Now that's what I call a catchy tune. In choosing my artifacts, I needed the audience to understand just how large the impact of the song was, so I included the song and its music video as my first artifact, a Vine remix video compilation of the song, and then finally memes of the song that were created by fellow internet users. I feel that the way that this song was circulated around the Internet was within a lighthearted, humorous way and was effective at getting everyone everywhere talking. Once I had my information and my artifacts ready, I created a Prezi presentation and the rest is history.

Through the production of this project I've realized how easy it is to compose something. I believe that composing something is to create content with a purpose of it being shared. Composing is different than writing because writing is simple, and it doesn't have to be shared. I could write a journal entry, a grocery list, a letter to myself and never show it to anyone. To compose something is have a desire to share your work with the world, and I want my project to be seen. My Prezi is an effective example of communication and design because there are many different elements within the presentation that help get my overall point across. I've included images, videos, and information in my presentation that helps convey the definition of circulation to the audience. Even though Project One focused on the definition of one specific key term, I've used all key terms within my project. I have an audience for my presentation, I designed my presentation so it would be organized and effective in explaining what circulation is, I experienced exigency through the creation of my exhibit, I needed the correct materials (WIFI, a charged computer, etc.) in order to complete my exhibit, I'm sharing it on Prezi, which is a huge network, the genre my project falls under can be considered to be in the digital genre, and I've assembled the exhibit in a way that informs the audience. The keywords given to us in class seem like they could be difficult concepts to grasp, but in reality we actually encounter the keywords in some way or another every day.


  1. Circulation is a really interesting phenomenon to study. I'm glad you took it up as your focus. I wonder if we can begin to ask/answer why some things circulate easily, virally, and others don't?


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